Our History
A Brief History of the Governance of Brush Creek Village is noted below.
Brush Creek Village consists of 136 platted lots. Filing 1 was recorded in 1967 and Filing 2 in 1968.

The Brush Creek Landowners Association was incorporated in 1973 as the governing body for Brush Creek Village. The standard association documents included: Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Protective Covenants. Some of these documents have been amended. The BCLO funded operations through the assessment of regular dues.
Water supply and quality was a constant issue in Brush Creek and water engineers had recommended a community water system since the inception of the subdivision. In 1989 The Village Water District was formed as a governmental agency with the power to levy and collect taxes that could be used to “back” issuing bonds so as to raise money for constructing and maintaining a community water system. The Village Water District entered into agreement with the Snowmass Water and Sanitation District to provide water and constructed a community water system. The Village Water District issued General Obligation bonds of $3,500,000 in Series 1990 that matured in 2009. The responsibilities of the Village Water District were limited in scope to operation of the water system. The BCLO continued all other operations.
The Village Water District was authorized to become a metropolitan district (The Brush Creek Metropolitan District) in Resolution 93-37 of the BOCC as a result of Civil Action 89CW159 of the Pitkin County District Court dated January 5, 1994. The BMCD continued water operations.
The BCMD refunded the bonds in Series 1994 for $2,520,000 maturing in 2009.
The Brush Creek Metro. Dist. (BCMD) entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Pitkin County to gain more control and influence over the administration of local governmental functions in Brush Creek. The Brush Creek Landowners Association (BCLO) also relinquished responsibility for subdivision maintenance to the BCMD. The BCMD assumed maintenance of common elements and also entered into a Road Maintenance Contract with Pitkin County. Fees charged by the BCLO decreased. The BCMD is funded by special district taxes, county “road” funds given to the district, assessments for water service & usage, and a trash service assessment.
The BCMD determined that a bond issue was needed in order to fund necessary major road maintenance and improvements. Bonding approval was granted in the election of Nov. 2003. Bond Series 2004-B for $800,000 was issued maturing in 2018. Bond Series 1994 was refunded again to take advantage of very low interest rates in Series 2004-A for $1,445,000 maturing in 2016.
The BCMD spent approximately $865,000 overlaying and reconstructing roads. Prepared 2.16.06 by Kevin McClure, manager. Summarized at his discretion. All information from documents which are public record or available from the BCMD.